Sunbird Mission

Gabor Maté

As a child of holocaust survivors, and a survivor himself - who was once the local leader of a Zionist youth group, but had a change of heart once he read his own history. Gabor Maté’s connection to the context of Palestine primarily revolves around his views and activism concerning human rights and the impact of trauma. As someone deeply interested in the effects of trauma on individuals and societies, Maté has not shied away from discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a long-standing and deeply complex issue marked by significant trauma on both sides.

It’s important to note that Maté’s involvement in discussions related to Palestine or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is part of his broader commitment to human rights and the healing of collective traumas. His insights are derived from his professional experience with individual trauma and his personal history as a Holocaust survivor, offering a unique perspective on the necessity of addressing and healing trauma to achieve lasting peace and well-being in conflict-affected regions.

“You don’t have to look to the other side to tell you the evidence; look at the courageous and conscientious historians and journalists on your side, who have looked at the truth, documented it, published it, and spoken about it.”