Sunbird Mission

Avichai Sharon

Avichai Sharon is a former soldier in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) who has become a vocal critic of the Israeli military’s actions and policies, particularly in relation to the treatment of Palestinians. After completing his mandatory military service, Sharon founded an organization called “Breaking the Silence,” which collects and publishes testimonies from IDF veterans about their experiences in the occupied Palestinian territories. These testimonies often detail alleged human rights abuses, the use of excessive force, and the challenges faced by soldiers in maintaining the occupation. Through his work with Breaking the Silence, Sharon aims to shed light on the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to spark public debate about the moral and strategic implications of Israel’s policies. His activism has been met with both praise and criticism within Israel, with some viewing him as a courageous whistleblower and others accusing him of undermining the IDF and Israel’s security.