Alon Schwarz
Schwarz is a visionary Israeli filmmaker renowned for his courageous exploration of sensitive topics, particularly Israeli war crimes committed at the inception of the state. In his investigative documentary, Tantura, he explores one of the many massacres committed by the IDF in, and around 1948.
Israel has a problem of what can only be termed as “national mythologies.” While the memory of certain events is selectively suppressed, others are highlighted, and praised. Consider the usage of civilian infrastructure for military purposes by Israel’s own terrorist groups, such as the Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah. Ironically, in its celebration of its dark history, it goes as far as to build monuments to its own acts of terrorism.
Similarly, the charges of “human shields” is something which the IDF itself routinely practices. Zionist hypocrisy is evident at every turn. Officially made illegal in 2005, the “neighbor procedure,” as it is known is still practiced today, by the self-proclaimed “most moral army in the world.”